Welcome to the lake front you never knew!

Lake Michigan. One of the largest fresh water lakes in the world and an engine that has driven, and in some cases still does, the growth of its many surrounding communities. Lake Michigan is also home to a tremendous diversity of wildlife both within its waters and on its coasts. For most of us in the Chicago region a free and public lake front has more or less always been there and we tend to take it for granted. On top of this the dominant habitat type, dunes, are popularly percieved as just big heaps of sand. This blog is about that slice of Chicago Wilderness which is Lake Michigan and the wonderful gifts of nature it contains both just beyond the waterfront and beneath the surf.

If you've been to any of these locations or would like to recommend/request a location for me to go and check out, please do speak up and comment on any post!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Plants and Planets (Part 1 of 3)


Instead of doing my usual where I go out, crash, wake up and then explore I decided I would get on one of the late trains and stay up all night. The reason? Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter were going to be in a cluster just above the horizon at around 4:30am. I didn’t want to miss that and since I was only going to get about 3 hours of sleep I figured forget it. So after exiting the train I just made a bee line to the beach. This involved walking through I guess what was a small corner of Gary. I must say, when I am walking in the dark forest barely able to see, I feel a lot less fear (if any) than I do when walking through a run-down neighborhood at night. It is rather odd, even when you encounter habitat though, if it is hyper degraded and weedy it still gives that same ominous sense. It’s only when you enter clearly healthy habitat that you feel safe. At point the steel plant’s glow was visible just to the west as well as the flames coming from the oil refinery.

Well after making my way through the seedy areas I arrived at the beach. I set out my pad for intermittent naps or just lounging and began either to practice Jo kata with my staff, sing songs to myself out loud, or beat the heck out of some makeshift claves I brought. Soon enough the line above the lake began to glow indicating that the time had come. But what happens next?
Winds which had been gradually picking up all night suddenly began sweeping in a heavy mist and dark clouds. I was genuinely concerned at the peak that I was going to be in the middle of a squall. Alas, my morning did not grant me even that flavorful adventure. No, the mist just came in and obscured the horizon the entire time the planets were above the horizon. Soon the light of the sun began to reclaim control of the atmosphere and my morning activities commenced.

To Be Continued

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